Feel free to talk to our online representative at any time you please using our Live Chat system on our website or one of the below instant messaging programs.
Please be patient while waiting for response. (24/7 Support!) Phone General Inquiries: +44 (0)333 888 0246
Head Office
Cnetso Limited,
20-22 Wenlock Road,
N1 7GU
London, England
Chessington Office
Trident Court,
One Oakcroft Road,
Chessington, London
Telephone: +44 (0)333 888 0246
E-mail: info@cnetsoeducation.com
Website: www.cnetsoeducation.com
At Cnetso Education we pride ourselves on being able to offer a complete bespoke ICT solution which we split into three tiers, Technology, Application and Knowledge.